Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The influx of foreign worker Essays

The influx of foreign worker Essays The influx of foreign worker Essay The influx of foreign worker Essay On the other hand, rate of unemployed Malaysian increases as Job opportunity being taken away. The employer prefer to hire foreign workers as they are willing to accept lower pay from the locals especially In the lower skilled Jobs. Consequently, the Jobs opening for the locals are diminishing as they have to compete with the foreigners . The burden will be put on the government as social welfare expenses will be higher. The influx of foreign workers coming to Malaysia will also cause reduced national income. No doubt the main cause of their coming is to work and make a living. This has resulted in huge outflow of Malaysian currency to the foreign workers origin country and decreases the values of Ringing Malaysia. One major drawback is that the workers ought to send some money wages back to their home country for their family, instead of spending it. Another point Is that the Increases of crime rate In our country. There are foreign workers who come here do not have adequate wages and do not have a Job for retrain period . Thus, they will face financial difficulties as the cost of living will be the burden. As a result, Involving in the criminal activities happen such as burglary, theft-lifting, rape and riots. Criminal activities that often occur not only threaten their own safety but also will affect the image of our country. The influx of foreign workers into Malaysia is not a new phenomenon. Looking at the concern issues, it is a task for the government to search for a mechanism in order to engage and control this phenomenon before it become worse. Majority of community consider them as troublemakers who should be thrown away. However, are foreign workers only have an adverse effect, or Is It something good comes despite the presence of these foreign workers? In conclusion, its important to have some control over the use of foreign workers and to make sure that using them does not disrupt the labor market for local workers . But, Malaysia is still in need of foreign workers in order to maintain economic growth. Therefore, the government plays an important role on balancing the situation so that the policy of having foreign workers in Malaysia will have maximum benefit to the country. The influx of foreign worker By equally lower pay from the locals especially in the lower skilled Jobs. Consequently, the Jobs Another point is that the increases of crime rate in our country. There are foreign the burden. As a result, involving in the criminal activities happen such as burglary, are foreign workers only have an adverse effect, or is it something good comes.

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